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Astro Boy

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Character Development


Astro Boy takes place in the year 2000 in a large, futuristic city. He was created by Dr. Boyton after the Dcotor's son, Aster Boyton, died. Eventually, Dr. Boyton disowns Astro Boy and sells him to a robot circus because Astro Boy won't grow like normal boys do. The ring master mistreats Astro Boy. Dr. Packidermus J. Elefun befriends our red-booted hero and takes him to live with him in the lab Astro was abandoned from. As time goes by, Astro Boy will make new friends and enimies, and get into some pretty tough situations but will always win.


Astro Boy was, believe it or not, the first ever anime on television. He was first scene in 1958 in Japan. In the early sixties, he was brought to the U.S. The show was very popular among the nation's youth, but then concluded in 1965. But then, in 1982, a color version of Astro Boy was made to air on Ausrailia's Nine network. That eventually was taken off air, but Astro Boy's memory will always remain.

Okay. enough of the history lesson. I think Astro Boy may not be the best anime ever, but it sure is significant. The creator of Astro Boy did something that was unheard of in Japan. That's right, airing a cartoon show on televison. Heck, if wasn't for Astro Boy, anime might have never been on TV. Sure the character development was not the best and the music was downright bad, but this is the most significant anime.

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