This page and all names are probably all copyrighted by various companies, so we won't bother to list them. All music videos were created by me, Chibi Ozaru. You can't steal them. If you do, I will hunt you down and... well I just can't say, considering there might be children under the age of 27 viewing this. COAR and it's mean...employees are not responsible for any of the following ailments that you or your kin are diagnosed because of viewing this site:
Cold, feaver, cold sweatng, hot sweating, sweating like a pot-bellied pig, mumphs, measles, huffleumps, woozles, memory loss, sharp stabbing pains, being stabbed in the back, liver spots,memory loss, mirages, bad relations, geekdom, memory loss, dorkdom, David Letterman, attacks by hostile Germans, memory loss, death, bad aftertaste, sin, sailors, loss of memory, moons, Sailormoon, Pokemon fanatisism, eating disorder, the urge to drink hot peppers, loss of memory, RANDOM OUTBURSTS, pants, messages from the dead, sticks, Styx, shirts, rice, mid-life crisis, loss of memory, great balls of fire, the Brady Bunch, Elmo, loss of memory, green thumb, RANDOM OUTBURSTS, failure to communicate, loss of soul, skitzophrenia, memory loss, failure in school, idiotisism, to not win money at McDonald's, RANDOM OUTBURSTS, loss of memory, loss of pants, loss of shirt, finding of pants, finding of shirt, being embarrassed on national television, stutering, fear of colors, fear of the color red, fear of the number 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, boredom, memory loss, Al Gore, obsession with apple pie, blue velvet, download obsession, the urge to visit Dancing Bush, nuidity and violence, RANDOM OUTBURSTS, and did I mention memory loss?